الثلاثاء، 25 سبتمبر 2012

خطاب الكراهية: كيف نحاربه؟

حارب الكراهية ١
أظهرت قناة الجزيرة اليوم خبراً مفاده ان بعض المنظمات الحقوقية نشرت ملصقاً في مدينة نيويورك محرضاً على الكراهية
حارب الكراهية ٢
"في اي حرب بين الانسان المتحضر والمتوحش
إدعم الانسان المتحضر .. ساند اسرائيل واهزم الجهاد"
حارب الكراهية ٣
اعتمد الملصق من محاكم نيويورك تحت ذريعة حرية التعبير. ومنظماتنا وهيئاتنا الحكومية وغير الحكومية ساكتون وكأنهم راضون
حارب الكراهية ٤
كثيرين ممن نسميهم ثلة غوغاء ثارت غيرتها وافسدت سمعة الجميع كل ذلك في غياب التوجيه والارشاد من مؤسساتهم الخاوية من الحلول
حارب الكراهية ٥
الحل لحملات الكراهية هو تجاهلها حتى تموت ولكن هذه الحملات تستثمر اختلاف الثقافات لتؤكد رسالتها.
حارب الكراهية ٦
رسالة الكراهية زادت في الآونة الأخيرة ولا يبدو لنا ان لدينا قيادات تستشرف المشاكل المستقبلية التي ستسببها هذه الرسائل
حارب الكراهية ٧
دبلوماسياً يعتذر اوباما وكلينتون ولكن حتى هؤلاء ابدوا عنصريتهم خلال تهديداتهم والامتناع عن مواجهة هذا تطرف مواطنيهم بذريعة القانون
حارب الكراهية ٨
قوانين امريكا لأمريكا ومن يعيش تحت كنفها اما ان تعدت الدول فيمكن للرئيس كقائد لديه فراسة ان يضع استثناءات لقانون قديم او يحتكم لقانون دولي
حارب الكراهية ٩
ولكن في ظل غياب هذه القيادات التي لا ترى خطورة هذه التصرفات علينا ان نواجهها وهناك حلول
حارب الكراهية ١٠
نمنع انفسنا اولا من كراهية الآخرين ونعترف ان الكراهية جريمة ثم نتصدى ونتحدى من يقوم بهذه الاعمال خصوصا ضمن مجتمعنا الداخلي
حارب الكراهية ١١
تطبيق المقولة " لكم دينكم ولي دين" واحترام حرية الاديان ونقرب وجهات النظر من خلال منتديات حوار الثقافات واحترام الشعوب
حارب الكراهية ١٢
معرفة ان المواثيق الدولية تمنع بذر الكراهية
ومعرفة ان خطاب الكراهية مُصان في الولايات المتحدة كحقوق مدنية
حارب الكراهية ١٣
وضعت الجامعات الامريكية قوانين تحد من خطاب الكراهية ولكن ان وصلت القضايا المحاكم تخسر الجامعات
حارب الكراهية ١٤
قانون الحقوق المدنية الامريكي يستثنى التحريض على ارتكاب جرائم العنف
حارب الكراهية ١٥
مراجعة قوانيننا المتعلقة بخطاب الكراهية
ودعوة الامم المتحدة لمطالبة الدول الاخرى الى مراجعة قوانين خطاب الكراهية
حارب الكراهية ١٦
دعوة الدول الاعضاء في الامم المتحدة الى اتخاذ الاجراءات والبرامج التي تساعد في تقوية علاقات الشعوب
حارب الكراهية ١٧
اتخاذ الاجراءات الصارمة ضد مرتكبي العنف ونشر التوعية بحقوق الانسان
حارب الكراهية ١٨
وآخر الحلول الكي: رفع قضايا قانونية تدين خطاب الكراهية على مستوى منظماتنا

الأحد، 16 سبتمبر 2012

براءة المسلمين

براءة المسلمين
عشرون درساً كان ينبغي تعلمها

لا يبدو أننا نتعلم من أخطائنا. لقد وضحت لنا قضايا سلمان رشدي والمغالطات الكرتونية الدنماركية وحرق المصحف الشريف وإهانة رسولنا الكريم أن المتهمين بهذه القضايا والمتأثرين بها خصوصاً صانعي القرار ، فشلوا في معالجة الموضوع بمضمون حصيف. وهنا بعض الدروس التي نأمل من خلالها أن نتعلم جيداً ونتداركها:
الدرس ١:
إعلامنا مثير للشفقة. انتقاداتنا مثيرة للشفقة. فكاهتنا مثيرة للشفقة. قراراتنا مثيرة للشفقة.
الدرس ٢:
يجب أن لا تمتد حرية التعبير لإذلال إيمان الشخص وعقيدته لتصل إلى مرحلة تشويه الحقائق. عندها ستصبح جريمة.
الدرس ٣:
تنص المادة ١٩ من ميثاق الأمم المتحدة الخاص بإعلان الحريات السياسية وحرية التعبير أن هناك واجبات خاصة ومسئوليات يجب الالتزام بها.
الدرس ٤:
تنص المادة ١٩ ايضاً ان هذه الواجبات والمسئوليات تكون محدودة عند الحاجة لاحترام حقوق وسمعة الآخرين.
الدرس ٥:
كما تنص المادة ١٩ ان استثناءات حرية التعبير تكمن في حماية الأمن الوطني والنظام العام أو الصحة العامة أو الاخلاق.
الدرس ٦:
لقد تم غض الطرف عن تطبيق حرية التعبير لحالات الارهاب والعنصرية ومحرقة اليهود. ولكن لم يتم غض الطرف عن حاولات تحريض العنف في العالم الإسلامي.
الدرس ٧:
يتوقع من القادة العاقلون في الغرب معرفتهم من غايات طرح الفيديو في شهر سبتمبر. لذا كان ينبغي أن لايسمحوا لمهاجر إكتسب الجنسية أن يشوِّه القيم الأمريكية.
الدرس ٨:
لاكتساب الجنسية في بعض الدول الأوروبية يجب على المتجنس أن يجتاز اختبارات ثقافية محلية للتأكد من انخراطه أو انخراطها في هذا المجتمع الغربي. وكان ينبغي على الولايات المتحدة وغيرها أن تحذوا بنفس هذا الحذو.
الدرس ٩:
العرب على دراية أن الفيلم يحرض على العنف وكذلك تعرف الدول الغربية هذه الأهداف. ولكن الايدولوجيه الغربية غير مبالية للقيم العربية.
الدرس ١٠:
يجب على الحكومات العربية أن تمول الحالات القانونية التي من شأنها مقاضاة المعتدين وتحقيق العدالة وإنزال أقصى العقوبات بهم ليدفعوا أغلى الأثمان. وتشمل هذه الإجراءات الشبكات الاجتماعية الرافضة لإزالة المحتويات المسيئة
الدرس ١١:
إجراءات العرب القانونية لابد وأن تنسق ويقوم بتمثيلها كيان حالي أو يُنشأ كيان جديد ونقترح تحت إشراف منظمة الدول الإسلامية.
الدرس ١٢:
يجب أن تكون إدارة الشبكات الاجتماعية أكثر مسئولية فبامكانهم حجب الأشخاص الذين يظهرون نوايا شيطانية. وان لم تكن هذه الشبكات مسئولة يجب أن تقاضى.
الدرس ١٣:
تعلمنا ان بعض المسلمين يحتاجون تعليماً ملائماً يساعدهم على التفكير بإستقلالية والتحليل والانتقاد الموضوعي.
الدرس ١٤:
محاولة منتجي الفيلم بالتخفي لن تفلح لأن الحقيقة دائماً تبزغ واضحة في نهاية المطاف.
الدرس ١٥:
بجب أن يفهم العرب القيم الغربية جيداً بدرجة كافية لترجمة الحوار والجدال بدقة وبموضوعية.
الدرس ١٦:
قفز الكثير من الكتاب العرب لإنتقاد اليهود واكتشفوا في الأخير أنهم قفزوا بسرعة بدون تحري الحقائق.
الدرس ١٧:
لا يوجد لدى الغرب أي خيار سوى إستيعاب القيم الإسلامية والاعتراف بها واحترام العقائد الدينية.
الدرس ١٨:
ان الأفلام الهابطة والرخيصة تعكس سلباً الأهداف الموضوعة لها.
الدرس ١٩:
بين الشرق والغرب مسافات كانت متباعدة وثقافات كانت متباينه. ضاقت هذه المسافات فجأة بتوفر وسائل النقل والاتصال الحديثة. ولكي نعيش بسلام في هذا القرب ، يتحتم علينا احترام عقائد بعضنا البعض.
الدرس ٢٠:
كلا الجانبين شوه حرية التعبير على مدار السنين. فجانب أراد أن يوظف مفكرته السياسية والآخر أراد إسكات حرية التعبير.
حاولنا في الدروس السابقة أن نقدم حلولاً تركز على الطريق العملي أمام جميع البشر المتعايشين على هذا الكوكب. ومن سيبرز كقائد معتدل قوي يستجيب بسرعة للقضايا اعلاه سيفرض احترامه علينا جميعاً

Innocence of Muslims



We do not seem to learn from our mistakes. Salman Rushdie, cartoons controversy and now the insult of Muslim figure have shown that all stakeholders particularly the decision makers failed to tackle the issue thoughtfully. Here are some lessons; hopefully we learn them well this time:
Our media is pathetic. Our criticism is pathetic. Our humor is pathetic. Our action is pathetic.
Freedom of expression should not extend to humiliate one's belief to a stage of distorting facts. Then, it becomes an offence.
Article19 of the Declaration of Political Rights and Expression of Speech states some special duties and responsibilities
Article19 says:
and may "therefore be subject to certain restrictions" when necessary" for respect of the rights or reputation of others"
Article19 adds:
or "for the protection of national security or of public order (order public), or of public health or morals"
Freedom of expression is waived for terrorism, racism and the holocaust. However, it is not waived for inciting violence in the Muslim world?
Sensible leaders of the West should have known the main objectives of releasing this video in September. Therefore, they should not have allowed naturalized immigrants to distort American values.
To get citizenship in Europe, one must pass a cultural test to ensure his or her indulgence within local values. The United States should have followed suit.
Arabs are aware that the film incites violence so does the West. However, the latter's ideology is insensitive to such values.
Lesson 10:
The Arab governments have to fund all legal cases to bring those culprits to justice and let them pay very dearly including social networks refusing to remove contents.
Lesson 11:
Arab legal actions should be coordinated, represented by an existing or newly established body.
Social network management can be more responsible. They can block persons with wicked deeds. If not, they should be convicted themselves.
Lesson 13:
It is learned that some Muslims are not educated appropriately to be indepent thinkers, analyze or criticize objectively.
Lesson 14:
The film makers should realize that they cannot continue to be anonymous. Ultimately, the truth will come out.
Lesson 15:
Arabs have to understand Western values well enough to interpret Western dialog or debate accurately and objectively .
Lesson 16:
Many Arab scholars jumped to criticize the Jews and have written articles falsely accusing Israel. Then they realized that they have jumped to conclusions.
Lesson 17:
The West does not have any choice but to accommodate and recognize Muslim values and respect their religious doctrines.
Lesson 18:
Poorly produced low budget movie reflects negatively against its makers' motives.
Lesson 19:
We are living within a distance of diverse cultures that has narrowed suddenly. In order to live peacefully, we must respect each other's beliefs.
Lesson 20:
Both sides have distorted free speech. One wants free speech to suit its political agenda, and the other wants to silence it.
The above lessons present focused solutions to the way forward between the people living on this planet. The actions of strong moderate leaders, who can respond quickly and decisively to the above issues, will demand respect from all of us.

الأحد، 2 سبتمبر 2012



A development that does not reflect on improving the consumer quality of life is not a development. The increase in Qatar population has reached unparalleled levels where citizens have become minorities or 14% of the population in their own land.


Rapid population growth has interfered with almost every aspect of life in the country and is detrimental to sustainable development. The population increase is a huge challenge to handle. Qatar is likely to face overcrowding that will place a huge burden on its resources.

Some of the cultural, social, economic and political issues effects of the population explosion are noted daily:

1. Citizens began learning Hindu because of the increased Indian expats. Before, it was vice versa.

2. TATA buses, boxes with no air conditions, are spreading black smoke into the atmosphere like mobile diesel factories.

3. Citizens book costly night medical appointments to avoid the morning crowd's in public hospitals.

4. Farmers production has decreased because farm expat workers are selling the crops to their friends.

5. The more the increase in population the more spending citizens make to buy their comfort.

6. In the past few years a piece of land of 10,000 ft2 costs $30,000.Today it is 25 folds whilst the monthly salaries have increased by only 60%.

7. Before, the citizen pays back the land installments within 24 months. Today he needs to pay the same monthly installment in 600 months.

8. We used to buy a whole lamb for $120. Today it is more than $ 250.

9. We used to pay for a full supermarket trolley $135. Today we pay $270.

10. I used to reach the airport from home within five minutes. Today I take thirty minutes. How would this affect the car, fuel cost, environment and time?

11. Today we hear about new illnesses and diseases and an increase level of cancer patients.

12. Today's doctors are impatient and cannot accurately diagnose why people suffer.

13. We travel first or business class to avoid the acrid sweat smell of expat workers who do not seem to take shower.

14. Shopping centers have divided into centers for the affluent or for the poor. Culturally, we avoid centers for the poor but get nailed down with high price tags.

15. Our kids are bragging who wears the most expensive brand. Who doesn't does not belong to them.

16. The cheap labor is abundant in this country that most citizen rely on to stage, for example, of carrying students handbags to and from school, a disgusting image!

17. Nervous driving, intolerance with other drivers and violation of traffic rules are normal scenes in any street at any time.

18. Expatriate workers transfer their salaries every month to their countries which are a big loss to our internal economy.


We noted above that the higher the consumption, the lower the savings. In future, the consumer will have no capital to improve quality of living. To solve the population problem, Qatar needs an effective utility and service institutions, increase citizens pay and provide an environment that will enhance the quality of life of all citizens.


This uncontrolled development mandates a comprehensive urban development plan that adopts a sustainability policy with regard to urban expansion and population distribution.

One possible solution is to dedicate significant portions of Qatar's annual budget to increasing the production of water, electricity, and other infrastructure and utilities. The private sector will spontaneously adjust the supply of housing, food and other services.




السبت، 1 سبتمبر 2012

Beware at Zurich Airport: Organized Crime

Beware at Zurich Airport
Organized Crime

My family; including me has been robbed at Zurich airport rent a car parking lot last July 2012. Here is how it happened. Upon receiving the car keys from Europe Rent a Car Office, I headed, along with my family members, to search for the car in the parking lot that consisted of eight levels. We were two adults and three kids the youngest is eleven years old. Everyone was pulling a suitcase. Some of us had a handbag.

In the parking lot I have seen only two passengers or that what it seemed then, waiting for their cars.

When we found the car I put down my handbag at the rear side of the car and started loading the suitcases at the back of the car. During this time, one of the passengers whom we saw, a huge guy that looks like Russian or from Eastern Europe, was pushing a trolley and came in front of our car shouting: "check the car!"

I shook my head as a gesture indicating that I will, without leaving my place. But he insisted and raised his voice: "check the car!" while he pointed at the front of the car. I thought that the car had a problem. I headed towards the front of the car and the others followed me to discover that the car had no problems at all. We looked at him with surprise but he insisted: "when you rent the car check the car first before you load your suitcases!" I said: "thank you" I thought what a useful piece of information!!! I was really stunned with this curiosity.

I returned to the back of the car to load the rest of the suitcases. Once I have finished, I searched for my handbag, but I did not find it. I realized that he was a thief of a gang and we have been robbed. We looked everywhere and ran to all exits but to no avail. The huge fellow flew like a feather with no traces.

We lost our passports, €3000, a personal laptop, a Garmin navigator, valuable information in an external hard disk amongst other things. I am pretty sure that some gang partners watching us in the airport terminals and in the main rental office gave the parking lot thieves advanced information on our movements. That huge guy drew our attention because his partner must have been waiting to sneak behind us.

We went to the Airport Police who informed us that all the car parks had no surveillance cameras and we had to be debriefed about the details of the theft that covered the missing items and our identification details. The interrogation took about two hours during which I have called our embassy in Paris because I knew that Zurich did not have an embassy of Qatar. They directed me to our diplomatic office in Geneva. I informed Mr. Alhajri at the office and some of his staff who asked for the police report. They also informed us that we can continue our visit, but when it is time to leave Switzerland, we should call them to receive some documents that will allow us to travel back to Qatar. We also learned that other Qatari families had similar incidents even in Paris. I faxed the police report to Geneva.

 We decided to wait in Zurich for 24 hours then take a decision whether to go back home or change the visit plans. Upon an advice from a friend of SwissSafari, a tourist guide I recommend to anyone intends to go to Switzerland with no prior knowledge of the country, I checked-in at the Radisson Blue near the airport. I managed to register with my ID card.
After two hours from arrival, the airport police officer called to let us know that the handbag was found and it will be conveyed to the airport police office within two hours. After two hours, I rushed towards the police office to find my handbag intact, with all lost items available, apart from the cash. Thieves with merciful hearts! Thank you thieves! The electronics devices in the handbag might have scared them because they thought they might be tracked. That may explain why they got rid of the handbag so quickly.

I called the consulate in Geneva and apprised them that we found our passports, which were the main important issue.

This incident had many lessons to teach which I will list down hereunder:
1. Do not put all you valuable items in one bag. The thieves could not steel even one credit card or one ID card because I put them in a wallet that is in my zipped pocket.
2. Before you travel, check for information on the country you intend to visit from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs' site. The Ministry should regularly update their site
3. Do not leave your bags unattended at any time even when the place seems to be safe
4. Call your embassy immediately to inform them about the incident and ask for any help you may require or instructions they may give you. List the contacts of your embassy before you travel.
5. Beware of strangers and curious people, particularly in areas with fewer crowds. If you happen to be at such places, leave immediately!

6. Be calm during such times because the family and kids would be tense and you need a clear mind. Try to pacify them.

7. Remember that the police will help as much as their available resources allow, and do not expect they will act like their counterparts in the movies. In our case, they even did not care to take finger prints. What matters here is your utmost caution and vigilance.
8. I hope that our Ministry of Foreign Affairs opens an office in Zurich.
9. Passengers going to Zurich airport must be careful, and I will suggest that you rent a car at Munich airport as it cheaper and safer.

10. You should not forget to thank those who helped you during such mishap. I take the opportunity to thank our friend Mr. Alhajri and his staff in Geneva and Mr. Alsubai in Paris and Mr. Albinali in Qatar. I also extend many thanks to Ms. Carmen and her husband Mr. Charley of SwissSafari who helped us tremendously.